Animals are the perfect partner in therapy. They utilize a keen sensitivity to non-verbal communication to assist us in developing new relationship skills, regulating emotions and beginning the healing process. Penny is dedicated to this powerful work and appreciates you supporting his care.
Penny joined the HHB family in 2017 as a puppy. She has been supporting therapy sessions for as long as she can remember! When Penny isn't greeting every visitor to the farm, she is chasing bees in the grass and sun bathing.
Sponsorship of Penny plays a key role in our ability to keep her happy, healthy, and hopping around the barnyard! When you adopt Penny your generous donation contributes to the purchase of his catfood, treats, recurring expenses like veterinarian wellness visits.
Through the Sponsor-a-Healer program you will receive a Certificate of Sponsorship for Penny as well as a photo with special facts all about your four-legged healer! You will also receive an invitation to the annual Sponsor-a-Healer Picnic where all sponsors are welcome to visit the farm, spend time with their sponsored animal, and enjoy a picnic lunch with the staff.
Sponsor-a-Healer Penny
Name: Penny
Breed: Pitt Bull Mix
DOB: 2017
Occupation: Therapy Dog
Favorite Food: Bananas
Personality: Empathetic & Playful
“Trust me, I'm a dog-tor” ~ Penny