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Animal & Equine
Supported Psychotherapy
This experiential therapy model captures the powerfully healing effects of the bond between humans and animals. It is our philosophy that everything that happens in our lives happens in the context of relationships, and that is how we begin to heal, through building new relationships.
We provide services Monday through Friday on our 7.5 acre farm in Bethlehem, Connecticut.
Individual Psychotherapy

Clients engage in this therapy through partnering with a horse or other farm animal to learn how to build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships, facilitated by a licensed mental health professional. Partnering with an animal is a non-judgmental way to begin to heal from past wounds and learn more effective ways to engage in a relationship. Through this experiential therapy, these skills begin to cement into our thought processes and daily interactions outside the farm so that we can empower our lives.
Group Therapy

Experience the healing effects of the animal – human bond while also learning to engage in positive relationships with others. Group therapy is often very powerful as we begin to understand that we are not alone in our experiences. While everyone’s experiences are unique, group therapy allows us to empathize with others and share in the mutual experience of the group. Adding the animals into this experience allows us to stay present, understand our relationship patterns and dynamics within a group setting. Group therapy options available for families, couples, and kids!
Sensory Friendly Farm

Some may find it overloading to visit a busy farm or zoo, but want to experience the joy and companionship of the farm animals. At Healing Hoofbeats we understand that need and want to offer these unique individuals or groups the opportunity to engage with our animals in a sensory-friendly way to avoid the overwhelm and foster natural learning opportunities. Facilitated by a mental health professional, this therapeutic experience allows participants to experience true connection with our four-legged healers who come in all shapes and sizes! Contact us to learn about how we can bring Sensory Friendly Farm to your facility!
Couples Therapy

Couples therapy is meant to facilitate learning and implementing healthy communication styles. We seek to facilitate mutually beneficial strategies which help to enrich the relationship. This helps resolve conflicts, ensures that both are getting their needs met and learn new strategies for communication or navigating difficult situations by engaging in relationships with the animals.
Family Therapy

Utilizing animal supported therapy families begin to work on their challenges, increase positive communication, and problem solving as a family unit. This allows the dynamics of the family to emerge organically and work towards therapeutic goals together.
Operation Warrior Horse

Operation Warrior Horse is a ten week equine-supported group therapy program for Veterans who are seeking to heal from the invisible wounds of service.
Team Building Workshops

Workshops are available for organizations and teams who are looking to enhance their cohesion. We will work with your group to identify goals and areas of need, making it a fun-filled day for all. Group members will be asked to think outside the box and stretch their comfort zones in order to enhance the effectiveness of the overall team.
Clinical Supervision

Our Founder provides clinical supervision for those working towards gaining their LCSW as well as therapists with other licenses who may be stuck, or are looking to deepen their understanding of various clients and diagnoses. Renee enjoys utilizing the principles of equine and animal supported therapy to enhance clinical skills as well as self-care that is so necessary in the work we do as therapists. This can be done in the office or with horses.
Field Trips

Healing Hoofbeats seven acre farm in Bethlehem is an ideal place for elementary through high school aged students to come for a tailored learning experience. We offer tours based on the age of our visitors and can work with educators to offer a complimentary lesson to what is being taught in the classroom. Collegiate visitors studying in the fields of social work and psychology will also find the Animal and Equine Assisted Psychotherapy tour to be incredibly informative and offer ideas on new employment opportunities after graduation.
Homeschool Workshops

Healing Hoofbeats is a wonderful place to take elementary through high school aged students on a field trip see a working farm. Homeschool workshops based around an curriculum or need can be tailored to your students.